Members’ Benefits Activation Forms

Each member brings valuable knowledge, resources, services and products to the cannabis business space. We encourage you to share your expertise in a webinar.

The email includes a form to present a 30 minute webinar on LinkedIn Live on a topic that is related to your company and expertise. The webinar will be uploaded to the Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce’s blog page, Women Cultivating Success.

We ask members to prepare a 3 minute elevator pitch uploaded to the Women Cultivating Success Directory, which is a video business directory.

An email goes out to schedule a 20 minute Zoom with each member to record their 3 minute elevator pitch. The email contains a calendar to select three possible days and times to schedule the Zoom. The email contains a form for additional member information for the video listing; logo, website, social media links.

The video is also uploaded to the blog portion of the Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce Website, Women Cultivating Success.

The video listing stays on Women Cultivating Success Directory for 18 months starting the date of publication.

The video stays on the Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce’s Women Cultivating Success blog page for 12 months.