Shelly Rogers

Shelly Rogers Women's Cannabis Chamber of Commerce

Shelly Rogers’ diverse accounting expertise include tax planning and compliance and technology integration. She customizes accounting services to align with clients’ goals, crafting financial strategies that grow with the clients business. Shelly is a well-rounded CPA and accounting professional, both for critical operational accounting needs and general business counsel. Before starting her own practice, she managed  the entire scope of transactional processes, drove the adoption of new automation technologies (e.g. expense & travel, etc.), as well as recent accounting standards (e.g. ASC842, etc.) for Bluetooth. Shelly Rogers is the founder and CEO of Axios Accounting Group, encompassing accounting services to businesses of all sizes. From bookkeeping and tax preparation to payroll processing and financial statement preparation, we’re your one-stop financial management solution.

She is a member of Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce and is one of hosts of By the Numbers: Q&A with Certified Cannabis Accountants. She is one of the Cannabis Accounting for Accountants facilitators.