Women's Cannabis Chamber of CommerceWomen’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce 2025 Focus is Securing Members’ Success in the Cannabis Industry.

The Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce mission is to move entrepreneurs beyond empowerment into powerful result driven career strategies, CEO positions and business ownership.

The Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce’s goal is to connect companies and entrepreneurs in the cannabis marketplace with their consumer base to build a strong and stable cannabis industry and cannabis community.

Women's Cannabis Chamber of CommerceThe Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce is a membership based business organization committed to bringing women together to build a national community of women in cannabis careers and businesses to create connections, resources, knowledge and financial SUCCESS!

WCCC members represent women in cannabis careers and businesses in all segments of the cannabis industry and stages of careers and businesses. Women working together and supporting each other is powerful. Each member brings knowledge, experience and resources that can help move other members’ business or career goals forward. 

Even well established careers and businesses experience plateaus. Through the Leadership Program members are referred to members with information relative to their obstacle or stumbling blocks to provide insights and possible solutions. The consultations with 2 or more members can fast track a career or business or help a member pivot into a more successful direction. 

Women's Cannabis Chamber of Commerce

Members are encouraged to share their expertise through the Cannabis ClipNotes Series of 15 minute “Cliffs Notes” style video presentations. Cannabis ClipNotes air on Wednesdays on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube. 

Cannabis ClipNotes spotlights and establishes the presenter’s knowledge of their segment of the industry, products or services. 

We make doing Cannabis ClipNotes simple and stress free. You can schedule a time to record that fits your schedule. Your ClipNotes can be edited or re-recorded to your satisfaction. 

Cannabis ClipNotes are WCCC’s video business directory. Members’ individual pages can be viewed at womenscannabischamberofcommerce.com 

Women's Cannabis Chamber of CommerceMembers who are entrepreneurs preparing to launch and startups can apply for the Mentoring Program. The Mentoring program includes two one hour Mentoring meetings with three-four members per month for three months. One woman per quarter is selected 

The mentors change for each meeting to meet the needs of each stage of business development. Your success depends upon You putting in the work.


Women's Cannabis Chamber of Commerce

This is a THINK TANK for women in all aspects of the industry and women considering entering the industry. The focus is on business and career success, and building a strong business community of women in the cannabis space. Each of you has the answer, resource, connection or solution to another woman’s question or issue. Bring your expertise and your questions. You do not have to be a WCCC members to participant. The Think Tank is limited to 25 participants to ensure quality and productivity. Members receive priority reservations. Reservations available on LinkedIn.

Format: Each participant is asked to introduce their self.  What aspect of the industry are in, limited to 3 words (not 3 minutes) State your question. Questions will be answered after all introductions.

The Think Tank is interactive: everyone has the option of being on screen and unmuted. Each participant is asked to put their contact info, url, and any pertinent info in the Chat. The Chat is copied and sent to all participants with the link to the next month’s Think Tank.

Important: RECORDING IS NOT ALLOWED. This includes Note Taking Apps. We do not have nda’s or non-competes with the participants. Information shared is personal and the intellectual property of each participant or the Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce.

“No single conversation is guaranteed to transform a company but a single conversation has the potential to be the conversation that does.”

Cannabis Research & Studies

Coating Dentures With CBD Can Help Prevent Oral Infections

Read full article @ Marijuana Moment 

Researchers Published More Than 35,000 Studies On Marijuana Over The Past Decade,

Read full article @ Marijuana Moment 

Marijuana Offers Hope For Treating Chronic Pain And Reducing Use Of Other Medications

Read full article @ Marijuana Moment 

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